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Output Peripherals

Zeta 900 Series Pen Plotters

Zeta Graphics Corporation

For CAD/CAM and project management hardcopy output, Zeta manufactureslarge-format pen plotters: Zeta 924, Zeta 924PS, Zeta 936, and Zeta936PS. All provide the user-option of roll or sheet feed operation toserve a wide range of output requirements. Zeta 912 is a desktopplotter designed to serve the color hardcopy needs of presentationgraphics, finance, process control, and science. All of these penplotters offer exceptional plot quality and throughput.Plotting velocity is selectable up to 30 inches per second and 3gacceleration. Zeta's proprietary Look-Ahead Vector Analysis (LAVA) givesthese plotters the built-in intelligence to anticipate arcs and circleswithout slowing down the pen, further decreasing plot time. The uniqueeight-pen, in-line pen carriage makes pen changes on the fly, rather thaninterrupting the plot cycle for each pen change. Pens are changed in just.5 second, almost eight times faster than conventional pen turrets andcarousels.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Zeta Graphics Corporation
815 Arnold Dr
Martinez, CA 94553
Phone: (510) 313-5900
        (800) 735-3456
Fax: (415) 372-3382